when it comes to energy savings CFW701 is the right shot for HVAC applications
Thinking of matching energy savings with speed variation on variable torque loads WEG is now coming with the new HVAC Drive CFW701. Beyond speed control HVAC functionalities like broken belt detection, fireman override mode, dry pump, independent PID blocks, short cycle protection( compressors) are equipping the product. Being conscious of the demand for drives with new functionalities brought by the rapid HVAC market evolution WEG makes available through the CFW701 a PLC code programming environment open for users to make their own macros. By just connecting the computer to the drive with WEG Ladder Programmer (WLP) installed the user is good to go.
Technical Features
RFI filter built into the product.
Conformal coated ( In accordance with DIN EN 60068-2-60)
Specific HVAC functions
Three PID control blocks ( no need for additional controller)
Fire mode
Sleep mode
Energy Saving
Drive I/Os available for use on the ladder programming via WLP.
Independent Feeding of control. The control can be fed with external 24Vdc.( optional card – factory installed)
Communication Protocols embedded in the product through RS-485 available in terminals:
BACnet MS/TP, Metasys N2 e Modbus RTU
DC inductor built into the product for all frame sizes.